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05 Mar 2012 19:48


Politics: Three conversation-starting moments from HBO’s “Game Change”

  • oneAides realize early on that Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, will have to learn a lot about history and current events to keep up in the public spotlight. When asked if she needed to take a break, she declined, saying “this is flippin’ awesome!”
  • two “I am not your puppet! You have ruined my reputation! I am ruined in Alaska,” Palin said in a meltdown over the phone due to when Nicole Wallace, a campaign press guru, pushed a series of talking points on the vice-presidential candidate.
  • three Near the end of the campaign, when Palin was a “loose cannon” and had a “swelling ego,” she told McCain: “We have to win this thing — I so don’t wanna go back to Alaska!” Despite this, Palin returned to her job for nearly a year after the election. source
  • » Sure to stir presidential emotions: The made-for-TV movie regarding the “rise of Sarah Palin” airs March 10. Though HBO claimed the movie is a “balanced portrayal” of events, Palin’s Super PAC has already labeled the movie “fact change.” Which may be true. “Game Change” may have taken some dramatic liberties from the book, but you’ll be the judge of that.

23 Jun 2009 11:14


Culture: May we just say: The “Zombieland” trailer looks freaking awesome

  • We’re hoping that this movie makes people forget Woody Harrelson was ever even on “Cheers” back in the day.source

11 Apr 2009 18:40


Culture: Woody Harrelson thought he saw a zombie taking his photo

  • With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie.
  • Woody Harrelson • Explaining, via his publicist, why he attacked a photographer in La Guardia Airport on Wednesday. He claimed he had just finished a movie called “Zombieland” and was still in character. Remember, guys; the dude likes his pot. This explanation, by the way, is almost too entertaining for words. Next time we beat someone up for taking our photo, we’re using the same claim. • source