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19 Apr 2011 16:53


Politics: Iowa GOP voters wouldn’t mind seeing that birth certificate

  • When the fringe becomes the norm: The past couple years, the birther issue has been a touchy one in Republican politics; it’s a dangerous internal wedge issue for them. Say he was born in Kenya (or merely imply your doubts), and you look like a kook of the highest order. Say he was born in Hawaii, and you’ve alienated a non-negligible amount of your traditionally ravenous base. If the GOP Presidential field had managed to stay in the middling, “I take his word for it” zone, averting the problem — no Republican would have disdained their party’s strongest looking candidate because he didn’t think Obama was foreign. But with Donald Trump diving into the deep end of the birther pool, this constituency becomes volatile and impossible to predict. source

02 Nov 2009 11:49


20 May 2009 09:00


U.S.: California has no remorse for state legislators and budget crises

  • A statewide referendum vote on the struggle to kill the massive budget crisis in California ended up with only tears, as none of the first five pieces of legislation got over 41% of the vote. source
  • However, the sixth piece of legislation did – unfortunately for state lawmakers, the legislation caps salaries of elected officials during years where the budget’s bad. Sucks for them. source

29 Apr 2009 10:30


U.S.: Could part of the Voting Rights Act get flipped over?

  • At some point you have to say we’ve come far enough. Why do we and the other affected jurisdictions have to have the federal government looking over our shoulder?
  • Gregory S. Coleman • Attorney for the Northwest Austin, Tx. Municipal Utility District, who argues that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is too archaic and outdated. The section requires that the Justice Department approve changes in voting procedure for jurisdictions covered by the law (essentially, those with a history of disenfranchised voters). Coleman and the district will be arguing the case in front of the Supreme Court today, and many will be watching closely. • source