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15 Sep 2009 20:52


Culture: Yes, guys, we’ve reached a Kanye West saturation point

  • 14 of YouTube’s 23 “popular” videos are about the VMA incident source

13 Sep 2009 21:20


Culture: Miss Piggy’s out: Lady Gaga’s Kermit fetish goes to extremes

Lady Gaga decked out in a Kermit suit for no particular reason
  • If we were Miss Piggy, we’d probably be putting on our poker faces right about now and kicking some butt. Lady Gaga, everyone’s favorite modern pop oddity, showed up at the Video Music Awards with an already-taken frog, Kermit. And more power to him, too: Gaga’s pretty hot for a possible hermaphrodite.source

13 Sep 2009 21:04
