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17 May 2011 15:45


World: Will the U.S. destroy its stockpile of the smallpox virus?

  • NO they’ll keep the smallpox, due to fear of bioterrorism source
  • » Smallpox keeps on kicking: Presently the U.S. has 451 samples of the smallpox virus, under the care of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), while Russia has just 120 in storage in a town somewhere in Siberia. Some would like to see these samples destroyed outright, in a bid to eradicate the virus from the world altogether. Dr. Donald Henderson, for one, who helped with in eradication efforts throughout the 70s, argues in favor of destroying the samples, but Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, disagrees, saying that destroying the samples would be a “symbolic” act that would make it harder to vaccinate a population in the event of a terrorist attack utilizing the highly lethal virus.

18 Nov 2010 09:46


U.S., World: Homeland Security: Stuxnet may be most dangerous virus yet

  • This code can automatically enter a system, steal the formula for the product you are manufacturing, alter the ingredients being mixed in your product, and indicate to the operator and your anti-virus software that everything is functioning as expected.
  • The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Center head, Sean McGurk • Explaining why the Stuxnet computer virus is unprecedented and scary and stuff. The virus, which appears to be targeting Iran’s nuclear power plants, has infected 44,000 computers worldwide, mostly in Iran, although around 1,600 are in the U.S. Even though it’s targeted against Iran right now, it’s clear what McGurk is implying here: That the virus could be rewritten to attack other systems, at which point it could prove extremely dangerous. source

13 Sep 2010 10:24


Tech: “Here You Have” hacker doesn’t like the U.S. very much

  • I could smash all those infected but I wouldn’t. I hope all people understand that I am not negative person!
  • Haker “Iraq Resistance” • Regarding his status as the guy behind the “Here You Have” worm, which made many corporate IT department not-fun places to be on Thursday. He’s an anti-U.S. type, if you didn’t figure it out by the handle. He also has a video where he notes his actions are not as bad as those of Koran-burning-wannabe Terry Jones. Considering that his worm was responsible for as much as 10 percent of the spam on the entire Internet on Thursday morning, we’re sure some network engineers would disagree. source

10 Sep 2010 10:52


Tech: “Here you have”: Evil non-cat-related virus taking over the world

  • whatA bunch of big companies have had their e-mail systems brought to their knees thanks to a new worm called “Here you have.”
  • howThe virus pretends to be a PDF encouraging people to click on it. In reality, it’s a big bad piece of malware. Boo. source

19 Aug 2010 11:08


Culture: Wanna get a virus? Do a search for “Cameron Diaz.” Seriously

  • If you do a search for her, there’s a ten percent chance you’ll land on some malware. We did a search for her to find this image. We took our chances. For you guys. source

19 Aug 2010 09:18


Tech: Intel to buy out virus-blocker McAfee for a heck of a lot of money

  • $7.68 billion – do they have a really big virus? source

19 Oct 2009 01:52


Tech: Think you have a solid antivirus on your PC? Double-check, bro.

  • Lots of times, in fact they’re a conduit for attackers to take over your machine. They’ll take your credit card information, any personal information you’ve entered there and they’ve got your machine.
  • Symantec’s Vice President for Security Response Vincent Weafer • Describing the nefarious ways that fake antivirus software works. Weafer says that there were as many as 43 million attempted downloads of realistic-sounding antivirus software with names like “Antivirus 2010” and “SpywareGuard 2008.” But they’re really just vectors to take over you computer. Even worse, Weafer notes that there was an affiliate program for middlemen who wanted to earn as much as 55 cents for each PC they infected. The top affiliates were bringing in hundreds of thousands each month through early Conficker virus server • source

13 Sep 2009 23:34


Tech: Protip: Don’t click on that New York Times antivirus ad

  • Some readers have seen a pop-up box warning them about a virus and directing them to a site that claims to offer antivirus software. We believe this was generated by an unauthorized advertisement and are working to prevent the problem from recurring.
  • A note from the New York Times • Informing readers of a malware ad that the site was offering up. Mac users obviously weren’t affected, but some pretty nasty, scary stuff happened to PC users. • source

13 Sep 2009 10:52


World: So now we know a little about how swine flu came to be

  • two strains of the flu in a single pig mutated together and turned into the supervirus that is swine flu source

27 Aug 2009 09:58


Tech: Conficker: A giant zombie botnet with nothing to attack (yet)

  • 5 million computers are part of Conficker’s zombie botnet of fun source