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14 Jan 2010 11:04


Biz: Hey bookies, looking to bet on who gets Cadbury? Look here

  • 66% the odds that Cadbury goes to Kraft, who will produce a Vegemite-flavored Cadbury Egg for Australia
  • 15% the odds that Cadbury goes to Hershey, which is half the size but knows how to mix chocolate and peanut butter
  • 19% the odds that Cadbury doesn’t go with either suitor and decides to lay its own Cadbury Eggs source

02 Oct 2009 15:43


Offbeat: Kraft’s Vegemite renaming plan, iSnack 2.0, fails like an old iPod

  • The name came from a land down under. Kraft Foods learned an interesting lesson recently: You probably shouldn’t name iconic Australian food after trendy tech products, because it makes you look not “with it.” So, iSnack 2.0, a Vegemite-plus-cheese plan which sounded like a good idea for about half a minute, will get renamed yet again. Vote here, because we know you care that much. source

27 Sep 2009 11:47


Offbeat: Warning to Aussies: Vegemite has been upgraded to iSnack 2.0

  • It’s been difficult to contain my excitement; I actually leapt out of my chair when I heard the news. To think that I could go down in Australia’s history is overwhelming.
  • West Australian Web designer Dean Robbins • Describing his initial reaction to finding out that his name for the upgraded version of Vegemite, iSnack 2.0, had been accepted. Purists will probably have a hard time accepting the fact that the yeast-inflected snack has been upgraded using cream cheese to offset the original flavor, but that’s business for ya. • source