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29 Apr 2010 11:16


World: Scary: Unemployed, mentally ill guy attacks school in China

  • 28 children stabbed in the incident; five were critically wounded source

31 Jan 2010 10:12


Biz: Evil bastards decide that scamming the unemployed a good idea

  • Nobody sends you money for nothing, except maybe your grandmother. If somebody sends you money and wants a refund for part of it, ask yourself if you’re sure this check is good. Do I want to take a chance and risk everything?
  • U.S. Public Interest Research Group consumer program director Ed Mierzwinski • Regarding the latest permutation of a scam attempting to nail the unemployed. It’s a fake e-mail from a site like CareerBuilder for a job as a “trading assistant.” If you take the bait, con artist sends you a giant check, then asks for parts of the money back. Weeks later, they cancel the giant check (which seems unlikely due to the fact that you got paid for it already), leaving you on the hook for the money you already sent them. This is evil. source

23 Jul 2009 21:04


Offbeat: Crazy reason for unemployment #1,305: “My wife’s a porn star!”

Scott Janke, city manager of Fort Myers Beach, Fla. loves his wife. But the city didn’t like her job. So they fired him. Wonder who wears the, uh, pants now? source

14 Jul 2009 20:06


U.S.: Obama pulls a rabbit out of the community college hat

  • $12 billion amount of money Obama wants to throw into community colleges, including money for technology and curriculum improvements source

15 Mar 2009 21:46


Biz, U.S.: Job-seekers take themselves out to the ballpark, en masse

  • 10,000 potential employees surrounded Dodger Stadium in L.A. looking for a job this weekend source