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12 Jul 2009 10:06


U.S.: Bush’s intelligence and torture policies: Getting extra-scrutinized

  • The CIA’s friendship level with Congress just went way down. Apparently, former veep Dick Cheney ordered the organization to hide an intelligence program from legislators. This is after the whole lying-to-us fiasco earlier this week with current CIA director Leon Panetta. source
  • If that wasn’t enough bad PR for both the CIA and Bush administration, Obama Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly looking into investigating their torture policies. Obama doesn’t want the trouble, but Holder’s looking anyway and will decide in the next couple of weeks. source

11 Jul 2009 10:24


U.S., World: Obama stands up for war-ravaged Africa

  • There are wars over land and wars over resources. And it is still far too easy for those without conscience to manipulate whole communities into fighting among faiths and tribes.
  • Presdient Barack Obama • Discussing how conflicts in Africa can get out of hand for selfish, heartless reasons. Obama says the differences in cultures should be “a source of strength, not a cause for division.” • source

08 Jul 2009 23:25


Tech, U.S.: That DOS attack may not have come from North Korea after all

  • This is not something that your average ‘script kitty’ can do. On the other hand it doesn’t require it to be state-sponsored.
  • Security expert Mark Rasch • Who’s currently of SecureITExperts and led the Department of Justice’s computer crimes unit during the George H.W. Bush administration. Rasch raised doubts over whether it was a definite slam dunk that these attacks, which hit major financial, government and media sites in the U.S., came from a North Korean source. At this time, we’d like to point your attention to this Wired article from back in the day about the Estonian denial of service attacks. This graphic in particular provides some good explanation about what’s happening now. • source