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22 Jul 2010 10:53


Culture: Disney: We need good ideas, so let borrow some from Pixar

  • If you want to get good ideas, why not talk to the Brain Trust?
  • Disney President of Production Sean Bailey • Regarding the company’s increasing desire to work with Pixar on their own projects. Most recently, Disney brought Jason Segel and the rest of the cast of the upcoming Muppet movie reboot to Pixar headquarters for a table read. Disney also did something similar with “Tron: Legacy” a few months ago. Our question: Why didn’t they do this like twelve years ago, when it was already blindingly clear that Pixar had better ideas than Disney? (On a side note: A live-action Muppets reboot starring Jason Segel sounds like the smartest idea Disney has had in years.) source

09 Mar 2010 09:46


Culture: The “Tron: Legacy” trailer is pretty frackin’ awesome

  • Three Words: Daft Punk soundtrack. This trailer premiered during “Alice in Wonderland” (a movie that had a pretty stellar debut, by the way) and looks genuinely awesome. This film could’ve been quite cheesy, but instead seems to strike a truly exciting tone. And also, Jeff Bridges is pretty much awesome in every role he’s in.

26 Jul 2009 12:08


Culture: It’s official: We want to have the new Tron movie’s baby

  • It doesn’t matter that we’re a blog. Or that we’re mostly written from a male perspective. Or that we can’t reproduce even if we wanted to. Watch this trailer and tell us you don’t want to have a baby with “Tron Legacy.” And keep in mind that Daft Punk is doing the soundtrack. DAFT PUNK! There’s nothing that can go wrong with this movie.source