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03 Mar 2010 20:49


World: Taiwan earthquake: A little island feels a 6.4 tremor

  • No injuries have yet been reported. The quake, 22 miles from the surface, was about 155 miles south of the capital, Taipei, but near a handful of cities (including Taitung). Blackouts and aftershocks have both been reported. source

10 Aug 2009 21:08


World: There’s a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on in Asia, guys

07 Apr 2009 08:14


World: The toll from the Italy earthquake rose fast

  • 207 dead, 15 missing, 1,000+ injured in the Italy quake source

06 Apr 2009 08:49


World: A quake in Italy could leave a huge death toll

  • 6.3 The magnitude of the quake, which hit L’Aquila, in central Italy, earlier today source