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19 Aug 2009 10:27


Tech: Cut it out: was closing. Now it’s going public domain.

  • It is our hope that, being an excellent URL shortener in its own right, can now begin to stand in contrast to the closed twitter/ walled garden.
  • A statement from the Nambu staff • Regarding’s plans to become an open-source alternative to, currently the most popular URL shortener. We understand what they’re going for and appreciate it, but we wish they’d do it with a lot less public attacking of their competition. • source

09 Aug 2009 22:11


Tech: gets whiny, shuts down their URL shortener, blames Twitter

  • What is the point? With the Twitter default, and with us having no inside connection to Twitter, will lose over the the long-run no matter how good it may or may not be at this moment, or in the future.
  • A message posted on the blog • Saying that despite the site’s popularity, they don’t feel like the service will succeed and they’re going to shut it down. The post attacks other targets besides Twitter and – including TweetMeme. They feel that they can’t sell the statistical information because everyone else has it. Nobody wanted to buy the service. And it just wasn’t worth it anymore. Twitter is now gonna be a graveyard of useless shortened links. Great. • source