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15 Dec 2009 23:00


Offbeat: This coconut-wielding octopus is a big-time show-off

  • Because, really, why not? This octopus proves exactly how brilliant its species supposedly is. It can use this coconut shell as shelter and as a tool for digging. And it also can do some craaaaaazy things with its tentacles, too. source

02 Nov 2009 22:04


Biz: Black & Decker, Stanley mix their tools in same toolbox

  • We’re sorry for all the dirty jokes we’ve made lately, but they’re WAY too easy to make. Anyway, Stanley plans to buy Black & Decker in an all-stock deal for $3.5 billion. They’ve been trying to share the same tool belt for a while now, but they only pulled it off today. We’re going to stop writing now, just so we can avoid making another tool pun.source

30 Sep 2009 20:16


Tech: Thinking big with a homemade windmill: Could DIY save Africa?

  • I’m convinced that if we could harness even a third of this talent and creativity, Africa wouldn’t have to rely so much on corrupt governments and international aid for assistance.
  • Malawi-based hacker William Kamkwamba • Discussing how he built a windmill to provide energy for his family using junk very creatively. Beyond building his own windmill, Kamkwamba built many of the tools he needed to put it together – melting plastic bags, turning bike spokes into screwdrivers and even making drills out of nails and cobs of corn. He wants to take the lessons of his invention to the rest of Africa. Hopefully, he can. He sounds very inventive. • source

30 Jun 2009 01:41


Tech: Are you a Web designer? These things will make your life easier.

  • Aviary, a robust web-based photo-editing suite that competes with Photoshop (and has the benefit of being free), has a neat new feature. If you want to grab a screenshot of a Web site, put in front of the URL. It’s very easy. Try it on our site.
  • interfaces
  • screenshots

03 May 2009 11:30


U.S., World: Terrorists’ technology of choice, post-9/11: Hotmail

  • Ali al-Marri, in a guilty-plea agreement last week, admitted in court that al-Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed planned to use common tools to plot terrorist attacks in the U.S. source
  • Beyond Hotmail, the easily-available tools that al-Qaeda used included prepaid calling cards, public phones, computer search engines, and simplistic codes used to cover their tracks. source

30 Apr 2009 09:29


Offbeat, Tech: Alzheimer’s patients could be using GPS to navigate

Grocery stores can have confusing layouts to the elderly. So can kitchens and new places. Technology can help. source