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06 Oct 2011 09:56


Tech: Tuesday’s Apple keynote, in retrospect, post-Steve Jobs

  • The fact that you, and your team, went on stage, knowing that Steve Jobs was close to death, is a testament to your professionalism. I felt that you had called it in a bit, but now I know the truth. You weren’t calling it in at all. You were doing an amazing job while knowing what was coming.
  • Robert Scoble • In a Google+ post late last night, getting the point across that Apple released a new iPhone the day before Steve Jobs died. Tim Cook went on DESPITE the fact that he knew the guy who invented the device was about to die. But … in a way, it makes the modestness of the event seem all the more obvious. “Today I feel guilty because I gave you a tough time about your first press conference,” Scoble said. “Now that I know what was going on behind the scenes I owe you an apology. I’m sorry, I owe you and your team one.” We think the internet does, honestly, because that keynote was much-derided. Now it all makes sense. Ultimately, what Apple sells — they’re just phones. In a week, the weak keynote will be forgotten. Jobs, however, won’t. source

04 Oct 2011 11:20


Tech: What to expect at today’s post-Steve-Jobs Apple event

  • Apple’s big speech is a real turning point for the company. It’s the first major one since Steve Jobs gave up his role as CEO earlier this year amidst significant health problems, passing the role off to Tim Cook. Since then, new competition has started to heat up — most notably from Amazon, whose CEO Jeff Bezos has shown some of that old Jobsian sparkle of late. But without getting too far ahead of ourselves, let’s do a check of what to expect today:
  • one Don’t expect Steve Jobs, unless there’s a late-in-the-game surprise. Instead, Tim Cook will be the man of the hour, and it’ll be interesting to see how he pulls this off.
  • two There will be at least one new iPhone, most likely, possibly two. The long-gestating iOS 5 will also likely launch soon, complete with a better notifications system.
  • three The original iPod, which is officially a decade old, could disappear once and for all today. We could use that spinny thing for hours and not get bored! source

20 Apr 2011 22:20


Tech: Apple’s amazing quarter: That Verizon iPhone really did the trick

  • 83% increase in Apple’s revenue for the quarter (showoffs)
  • 18.65
    number of iPhones the company sold in the quarter (credit the move to  Verizon, obviously)
  • 4.69
    number of iPads the company sold in  the quarter (credit the release of the iPad 2, obviously) source
  • » Supply and demand: That iPad number likely would’ve been even higher had Apple figured out a away to make even more of them available. The company’s COO and temporary replacement for Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, blames “the mother of all backlogs.” The iPad currently has a one-to-two-week delay on the Apple Web site. This company may print its own money, but they haven’t figured out how to print an iPad yet.

18 Jan 2011 11:01


Biz, Tech: Apple’s stock not reacting well to Steve Jobs’ medical leave

  • 5.2% decline the drop in Apple’s stock in the wake of yesterday’s announcement that Steve Jobs took medical leave
  • $19
    the amount of market value that was erased in the wake of Jobs’ temporary departure source
  • » Not enough to kill their swagga: Apple shares are still up 66 percent over the last twelve months, and have a higher market capitalization than any other technology stock. So, even without Jobs, they’re still in a good financial position.

17 Jan 2011 10:58


Biz, Tech: Stock futures market not liking Steve Jobs being sick again

  • Stock markets don’t have hearts. They’re giant money machines that react to news in callous, cold ways that don’t appreciate the nuances of a person’s achievements. Which is why, when someone like Steve Jobs takes a medical leave of absence – which isn’t the big Apple announcement everyone had been expecting (wait a second, this isn’t shaped like an iPad 2!) – stocks go haywire. Fortunately, they timed the news on MLK day, so the New York stock market gets a bit of a breather. But other markets are still open today, and the futures market isn’t liking the news either. Some quick numbers for you kids:
  • 7.5% Apple’s stock dip on the German stock market today after Jobs’ announcement
  • 0.9%stock futures dip on the NASDAQ – THE ENTIRE THING – this morning after the announcement
  • 0.3% stock futures dip on the S&P 500 – ALSO THE ENTIRE THING – after he dropped the bomb source

30 Dec 2009 11:15


Tech: Make Steve Jobs look good when he’s sick, get paid big bucks

  • $12 million – COO Tim Cook’s reward for Applesitting source