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12 Sep 2010 10:09


Tech: Microsoft dances on the iPhone’s grave a little too early

  • Well, that’s, uh … something. Microsoft’s so excited about launching Windows Phone 7 that they took to the streets in a Thriller dance and held a mock funeral for the iPhone, which we’re pretty sure is in no danger of being nicked by MS. WTF, guys? source

01 Jul 2009 11:09


Music: In death, Michael Jackson took over the Billboard charts again

  • 9 of his albums were in Billboard’s Pop Catalog charts’ top ten source

28 Jun 2009 22:31


Culture: Joe Jackson: Where was the Michael love when he was alive?

  • I wish the world had recognized him when he were living. Right now he’s bigger than ever. But I wish he was here to see all this, to hear all this.
  • Joe Jackson • Michael Jackson’s dad, on the death of his son and the huge torrent of response the superstar has gotten posthumously, including at the BET awards, where Joe discussed his son’s life. It’s true – ultimately, the child abuse allegations took the swagger out of Michael’s step, and it seems like we forgot about what we had when he was still alive. We blame ourselves. Sorry, Joe. • source

25 Jun 2009 22:41


Culture: Key quote on Michael Jackson’s death, from Quincy Jones

  • He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever.I’ve lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him.
  • Quincy Jones • The guy who produced “Thriller,” on the death of the superstar pop icon. Jackson, by the way, died of cardiac arrest and died as he lived: In the public eye with the focus completely on him. Dude had that nature about him. • source

25 Jun 2009 20:59


Culture: “Billie Jean” at Motown 25: Remember Michael Jackson this way

  • Before he got ruined by his fame, this is him earning his bread. This dance made his career. “Thriller” was big, but it became epic after this performance. Forget all the other stuff. This is where he should be frozen in amber.source

15 Feb 2009 19:56


Culture: Forget Valentine’s Day. “Friday the 13th” was bigger.

  • $42.2 million for the horror flick at the box office source