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01 Dec 2010 23:37


Politics: Poor guy: Dude loses joint custody of kids ’cause he’s agnostic

  • The poor guy in this Young Turks/MSNBC joint recently lost joint custody of his kids because he’s agnostic. No, really. The judge in the case cited Craig Scarberry’s (lack of) religion twice in making the decision to rescind the joint custody he had for four years. Anyone else see this as a first amendment/freedom of religion violation? Because we certainly do. source

15 Aug 2010 23:52


Politics: Max Headroom: Alvin Greene says stupid crap about aliens

  • Alvin Greene tops himself Oh boy. In this Fox News clip, radio host Keith Larson tackles the South Carolina senate candidate, who talked about illegal aliens on his show: “We wouldn’t want illegal aliens from Pluto or Mars taking advantage of our taxpayers too.”
  • Fox, obama see eye to eye?Strangely enough, on “Fox & Friends,” Obama did in fact get some support for his comments about the Ground Zero mosque. Maybe it wasn’t like the biggest thing in the world, but it definitely raised our eyebrows.
  • Social Security dems’ ace?Cenk Uygur (best known for his radio/YouTube work with The Young Turks), made a pretty sound point about the Democrats’ strongest arguing point in the midterms: Social Security. The ad at the beginning nails it.