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18 Apr 2011 16:29


Politics: Sharon Angle sings for Tax Day protesters

  • Because we can: Sharon Angle sings “God Bless The USA.” The defeated Republican Senatel candidate has said she’ll be running for the House seat being vacated by Republican Dean Heller in 2012, but if that doesn’t work out, maybe she can put a band together. How about “Sharon and the Right Angles?” source

15 Apr 2010 10:23


Politics: Bizarro hippies on tax day: What legislators can we knock off?

  • We’d love to beat Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco but she’s too strong. We try to keep our focus on the doable.
  • Bizarro Hippie Express strategist Sal Russo • Regarding their plans to attempt to knock Democrats out of office this year. They have claimed some victories (sorta) in the form of the retirements of Chris Dodd and Bart Stupak (claims which are kinda questionable) and the party switch of Arlen Specter. The grassroots political movement is in D.C. today because it’s Tax Day and they want to make a big deal out of that day. Their best reason why should be this, but isn’t. source

15 Apr 2010 09:28


Biz: Forgot to do taxes on time, jerk? Have some food freebies

  • coffee Starbucks is giving free coffee to anyone with a reusable container. but it’s for Earth Day, not Tax Day. Pretend otherwise.
  • tacos We love tacos just like everyone else, and West Coast chain Taco Del Mar is giving away free ones today.
  • sweets Ice cream chain Maggie Moo’s is giving away ice cream pizza samples; Cinnabon’s giving out cupcake bites. source

14 Apr 2010 21:45


U.S.: Hey, America, you got a tax cut last year. Thanks for noticing

  • 12% of all Americans
    think taxes went
    down last year
  • 2% of bizarro hippies
    think people’s taxes
    went down
  • 95% of workers had their taxes go down
    last year source

10 Mar 2010 10:34


Politics: The Tea Party’s social schedule doesn’t match Obama’s

  • 3/18 the date Obama wants the health care bill passed by
  • 3/27 the date the “Tea Party Express” protest bus takes off (too late)
  • 4/15 the date the party plans to take over D.C. for Tax Day (also late) source

15 Apr 2009 20:38


U.S.: Obama’s tax forms: Running for president makes you lose income.

  • $4.2 million amount of money the Obamas made in 2007, largely off his book sales source

15 Apr 2009 20:20


Politics, U.S.: Conservatives teabag the nation; liberals feel a little dirty

Just think, this all started with some d-bag on CNBC saying something about the economy he now regrets saying. source

15 Apr 2009 10:08


Politics, U.S.: Tax day tea parties: Because we need more pre-fab media events

  • They are worried that our nation is quickly being taken in the wrong direction by politicians who are more concerned about the next election instead of the next generation.
  • Sen. Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina • On why people are getting involved in the tax day tea parties being held across the country. He claims the events are bipartisan but only Republican politicians seem to be taking part in them. Hmm. • source