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08 Oct 2009 09:20


Tech: This talking piano talks better than we do (kinda)

  • Now, if only they could give this piano a brain so that it could talk back to us when we sassed it. “Oh no you di’int” in the key of G. (The Austrians are geniuses, by the way.)source

07 Oct 2009 20:29


Culture: David Letterman: Avoiding scandal on the show

  • And his fans are just fine with that. For the first time since the sex scandal broke on Thursday’s show, David Letterman avoided discussing it on the show. So did his guests. Good for him. Why should his job be defined by a bunch of personal crap? In our opinion, he handled it well considering the circumstances. And if he were to keep talking about it, it’d be show after show of hell for him. So, give him his hour of scandal-free chat. source

02 Sep 2009 11:18


Offbeat: This talking parrot: Officially smarter than us

  • We’ve been trying to answer questions like these all our lives, and we haven’t been able to figure them out. Cute animals – especially birds – always seem to upstage us.source