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12 Apr 2011 10:04


Tech: The rise and fall of the Flip Video recorder: That was quick

  • 2006 The first version of the “Pure Digital Point & Shoot” video camera came out, inspired by the success of a disposable video recorder sold at CVS. A year later, it’s renamed Flip.
  • 2009 A couple years after Flip caused a mini-revolution in the way digital video was created (It’s like it was designed for YouTube!), Cisco bought the company in question for nearly $600 million.
  • 2011 For some reason, the company decided to stop focusing on home users. Among its victims? Flip, which was nicked by the rise of the smartphone. Why don’t you sell the technology, Cisco? source

27 Feb 2011 20:02


World: Is John Boehner backing off government shutdown stance entirely?

  • Americans want the government to stay open, and they want it to spend less money. We don’t need to shut down the government to accomplish that. We just need to do what the American people are asking of us.
  • John Boehner (in expected statements) • Discussing the next steps his party plans to help encourage spending cuts. Note that he appears to be backing away from the idea of a government shutdown. Perhaps hard-line stances are proving a little too, uh, risky for the GOP right now?  source