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24 Jan 2010 21:47


Biz: No Sams allowed: Wal-Mart lays off a ton of Sam’s Club employees

  • 11,200 workers aren’t good enough to be in Sam’s Club anymore
  • 10% of Sam’s workers are going away, mostly product demonstrators
  • 10% of Sam’s workers are apparently product demonstrators source

27 Feb 2009 14:40


Biz, U.S.: Know your hipster neighborhood? It’s dying out.

  • Decemberists no more Early this decade, it was a new tale of urban bohemia. Neighborhoods in cities across the country were starting to become hip, complete with flower shops, coffee huts, boutiques full of random crap you’d never buy, and so on and so forth. Still cool middle-age white people going to Whole Foods. And they were all listening to indie rock and growing neckbeards. source
  • Decemberists no more Early this decade, it was a new tale of urban bohemia. Neighborhoods in cities across the country were starting to become hip, complete with flower shops, coffee huts, boutiques full of random crap you’d never buy, and so on and so forth. Still cool middle-age white people going to Whole Foods. And they were all listening to indie rock and growing neckbeards.
  • The economy of suck One neighborhood, Los Angeles’ Eagle Rock, is a good example of the downward trend. The recession, killing home prices nationwide, is also having an effect on the shops that hipsters descend upon while listening to Rilo Kiley on their iPhones and drinking their vegan mochas. Eagle Rock lost many of their cool shops recently due to economic turmoil. source
  • Decemberists no more Early this decade, it was a new tale of urban bohemia. Neighborhoods in cities across the country were starting to become hip, complete with flower shops, coffee huts, boutiques full of random crap you’d never buy, and so on and so forth. Still cool middle-age white people going to Whole Foods. And they were all listening to indie rock and growing neckbeards.
  • The economy of suck One neighborhood, Los Angeles’ Eagle Rock, is a good example of the downward trend. The recession, killing home prices nationwide, is also having an effect on the shops that hipsters descend upon while listening to Rilo Kiley on their iPhones and drinking their vegan mochas. Eagle Rock lost many of their cool shops recently due to economic turmoil.
  • How residents feel Residents are, admittedly, kind of sad about the loss, even if they’ve found it tough to actually shop there due to constricting wallet size. Eagle Rock resident Emily Cook, a screenwriter, lamented the loss of scene but has learned to live without it. “When we first moved here,” she said, “I wanted it to be cool. But that stuff doesn’t matter anymore.” source