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28 May 2010 15:47


Culture: Let’s call out @Jesus_M_Christ for his Gary Coleman schadenfreude

  • I’m sorry I had to take Gary Coleman. But damn if I’m not going to make him say ‘What’choo talkin bout, Jesus?’ when he gets here.
  • The Twitter account @Jesus_M_Christ • Who’s been kind of a jerk about Gary Coleman’s very sad situation. The person behind the Jesus parody account has posted nine tweets in the last two days with the kind of black humor we can’t get behind. This tweet is pretty bad, but it’s nowhere near as bad as this one. Look, Coleman has famously been the butt of jokes (there’s a character in “Avenue Q” who parodies his depressing fate) but now isn’t the time. Seriously. source

26 Jan 2010 20:21


U.S.: ACORN pest James O’Keefe flies too close to the sun, gets burned

  • He can now be mentioned in the same sentence as Watergate! James O’Keefe, the conservative activist previously best-known for destroying ACORN’s dignity (and working for, was arrested for trying to break into Sen. Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans office, along with three others. They were pretending to work with the phone company, which is some serious LOLz and a lot less creative than the pimp/ho getup they used with ACORN. A lot of people have felt schadenfreude in reaction to all this, not the least of which ACORN itself. We just think it’s proof that Tom Green-style tactics like this don’t work in politics. source