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07 Feb 2010 22:33


Culture: New Orleans, the city, and New Orleans, the team, win big

  • Four years ago, who ever would’ve thought this would happen?
  • New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees • Regarding the Saints’ own fate, along with the more general fate of New Orleans, post-Katrina. The Saints won 31-17, the victors of a symbolic win for a franchise and a city that needed one. It definitely goes a long way to making those awful memories of a damaged Superdome a faded memory. Congrats, scrappy kids of New Orleans. You earned it. source

07 Feb 2010 19:12


Culture: We broke up the Super Bowl twitter feeds for you guys. Enjoy!

  • everything Super Bowl

  • Just the commercials

07 Feb 2010 10:34


U.S.: More important to New Orleans residents: Football or politics?

  • 1978 last time New Orleans had a white mayor (Mitch Landrieu won the race last night) source
  • never last time New Orleans had a team in the Super Bowl (the Saints play the Colts later today) source