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26 Oct 2011 20:45


Culture: The Madoffs (Bernie and Ruth) attempted suicide in 2008

  • “It was very, very impulsive”: According to the wife of disgraced, convicted former billionaire Bernie Madoff, the pair attempted to kill themselves about two weeks following Bernie’s confession that he’d been running a massive Ponzi scheme. They both took what they believed would be an overdose of pills before retiring to bed, only to both awake groggy but alive the next day. Ruth Madoff says the pair never again discussed suicide, adding “But I have no idea why he didn’t — I don’t know how he lives with it all.” source

27 Jun 2009 13:02


Biz, U.S.: Ruth Madoff is gonna be (relatively) slummin’ thanks to a judge

  • $2.5 million to survive on for the rest of her life. Oh no source

06 Mar 2009 12:38


Biz: Ruth Madoff has a buttload of money separate from Bernard’s. Really?

  • $45 million amount Ruth has in bonds, which are “unrelated” to her husband’s massive alleged Ponzi scheme. Oh boy. source

11 Feb 2009 21:30


Biz: Bernard Madoff’s wife: Cashing out when it’s crashing down?

  • $15 million was taken out before her hubby was arrested source