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28 Oct 2011 08:35


Biz: Not every financial outlet trying Bank of America’s debit card fees

  • cause Last month, Bank of America decided that it would start charging monthly for the use of debit cards. Some companies (including SunTrust and Regions) followed suit. Consumers freaked out and totally got up on arms.
  • reaction With some time and distance away from the original decision, a number of large banks have chosen not to follow suit — among them J.P. Morgan Chase, which tested them for months and found that they weren’t working. source

19 Sep 2010 11:09


Tech: Scientists claim to have found the “Homer Simpson gene” in mice

  • A big question this research raises is why would we, or mice, have a gene that makes us less smart – a Homer Simpson gene? I believe that we are not really seeing the full picture.
  • Emory University professor John Hepler, PhD • Regarding the research he’s done which shows that mice get smarter if you take a certain gene out of them. The RGS14 gene turns off a certain part of the brain, the CA2 region, and many scientists aren’t sure what it’s for. However, when they turned off the gene in mice, they suddenly had much stronger mental abilities. Neat. source