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20 Aug 2009 09:59


U.S.: Save the date: The Proposition 8 court battle begins soon

  • 1/11/10 begins another gay marriage fight source

12 Aug 2009 20:45


U.S.: The gay marriage fight in California is … on hold until 2012

  • I think 2010 is just to early. Eventually, marriage equality will happen for everyone. But we think we have a better chance of winning 2012.
  • Marriage Equality Silicon Valley spokesman Rick Infantino • Regarding the delay in pushing for a gay-marriage fight in California. The group thinks it’s too risky to try again after losing the fight over Prop 8 last year. They’re not alone, but it’s not universal. Other state gay-advocacy organizations are still pushing for a fight in 2010. • source

26 May 2009 15:17


U.S.: It’s official: Prop. 8 upheld by California Supreme Court

  • California upheld the controversial Prop. 8, which amended the constitution to bar gay marriage. source
  • Those married during the brief period where it was legal won’t lose their marriage rights. source

22 May 2009 15:46


U.S.: Was Prop. 8 legal in California? The state supreme court weighs in

  • The backstory After the California Supreme Court overturned a law that made gay marriage illegal because it was discriminatory, those who opposed the law quickly put a ballot measure in place that would amend the constitution to define gay marriage as between a man and woman. Despite the gay rights movement’s best efforts, the law passed with 52% of the vote. source
  • The backstory After the California Supreme Court overturned a law that made gay marriage illegal because it was discriminatory, those who opposed the law quickly put a ballot measure in place that would amend the constitution to define gay marriage as between a man and woman. Despite the gay rights movement’s best efforts, the law passed with 52% of the vote.
  • A second act? However, all may not be lost for gay marriage supporters. Immediately after Proposition 8 passed, it was challenged in court. The court heard summary judgments from both sides in March, and will decide whether the amendment was legal in the first place. The court will announce its decision Tuesday; rallies are planned no matter what happens. Get your popcorn ready. source

05 Mar 2009 22:43


U.S.: Gay marriage goes to the California Supreme Court

And the supporters for (and detractors against) same-sex marriages came out. Oof. That pun hurt. source