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06 Jul 2011 09:43


Politics: Mitt Romney, fundraising machine; Newt Gingrich debt-saddled

  • $18.25 million the amount in donations that Mitt Romney received in the second quarter; the leading GOP candidate is pretty far ahead of the other guys
  • $1.2 million the amount in invoices that Newt Gingrich has; he’s paid them down by ten percent, but still has significant debt issues source
  • » Everyone else is kind of in the middle: With Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul hovering around the $4 million mark, and Herman Cain around $2.5 million, all pale in comparison to the Mittster, who is unemployed. Newt, who raised $2 million, was saddled with massive debt as a result of much of his senior campaign staff leaving; he has just $225,000 in the bank, which is extremely low. Newt, this presidential thing isn’t gonna work out.

19 Apr 2011 10:30


Politics: 2012 election poll: Nobody’s really doing it for GOP voters yet

  • It really sucks to be a GOP voter right now. Despite wide frustration on the right side of the aisle over Barack Obama’s policies, nobody appears to be doing the trick for conservative voters, according to this poll by The Washington Post and ABC News. And it gets worse: In a general election, Obama would best the entire field. Only Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee really get within fighting distance. Tim Pawlenty and Newt Gingrich are 15 points behind. Sarah Palin is 17 points behind, by far the worst showing. source