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13 Jul 2011 22:34


Politics: Talk about drawing a line in the sand

  • I’ve reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.
  • President Obama • Toward the end of a budget meeting with Republicans. It’s not clear what policy he won’t yield on, but from the texture of the debate thus far, we’re guessing it’s the inclusion of revenue increases in the deal to raise the debt-ceiling.source

11 Jul 2011 22:59


Offbeat: Pea lobby agrees with Obama’s pro-pea statements

  • We know that if tasty and nutritious meals featuring peas are served more frequently in the White House and in the cafeterias of both Houses of Congress, it will contribute to a balanced diet, if not a balanced budget.
  • Pete Klaiber, director of marketing for the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council (which, surprisingly, exists) • Klaiber is reacting to the President’s comment this morning that we Americans need to “pull off the Band-Aid [and] eat our peas.” The President was being metaphorical, referring to harsh-but-necessary budget cuts and austerity measures, but you gotta give the DPLC creativity points for spotting this as an opportunity to push their pro-pea message. source

20 Jun 2011 17:50


Politics: NRSC’s Twitter retweets fake @BarackObama posts

  • action President Obama recently made it known that he’d be writing some of his own tweets on his popular Twitter account. This is really an inevitable intersection of social media and politics, and we’ll admit, it’s sort of cool to read a tweet sent by a sitting U.S. President.
  • reaction The National Republican Senatorial Committee, conversely, has been tweeting for a while. When Obama started tweeting, the NRSC began retweeting faked posts designed to look like Obama wrote them; they’ve done the same to Harry Reid and Tim Kaine. source

01 Jun 2011 16:11


Politics: Eric Holder will do whatever it takes to get more of “The Wire”

  • I want to speak directly to Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon: Do another season of “The Wire.” That’s actually at a minimum… If you don’t do a season, do a movie. We’ve done HBO movies, this is a series that deserves a movie. I want another season or I want a movie. I have a lot of power, Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon.
  • Attorney General Eric Holder • Giving voice to the innermost hopes and dreams of “The Wire” fans everywhere. Holder was at an event featuring members from the revered HBO series, which used clips from the show to illustrate the perils children face in areas rife with drug abuse, when he made his forthright demand. We second this wholeheartedly! Also, for all we know, this could be a message from the top —  President Obama himself has made his love for the series known (his favorite character is Omar). source

19 May 2011 16:25


U.S.: Israeli PM Netanyahu shoots down Obama’s border plan

  • “Indefensible”: So said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on one of the key, specific policy calls that President Obama made in his big Mid-East speech, namely that the borders of both an Israel and Palestinian’s border talks should start with on those present in 1967, before the Six Day War that saw Israel take control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, and the Golan Heights. This was a surprise from Obama, and one that he had to know would rankle Israeli stalwarts. Netanyahu says that such a move would hurt Israeli security, and force them to abandon settlements within the Palestinian territories. source

18 May 2011 21:34


Politics: Dark horse alert: Rick Perry may run for president

  • Late registration: The reporting is a bit muddled and inconclusive, but it looks like Texas Governor Rick Perry may be testing the waters for a presidential run. Jumping into the race this late in the game would require a lot of catch up, and Perry’s past flirtations with secession could pose a problem for him as a presidential candidate. Nevertheless, if he did enter the race, he would have a very solid chance of getting the nomination–and, in our opinion, a reasonable shot at defeating Obama in 2012. source

02 May 2011 15:03


Politics: Conservatives praise Obama on bin Laden killing

  • question One political question in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden is how the President’s political rivals, usually a very vociferous bunch, would react to the news that a person they’d built into such a boogeyman pulled this off.
  • answer All it takes to get bipartisanship is to kill a nationally loathed terrorist, it seems. Rush Limbaugh praised Obama today, as did Dick Cheney and John Boehner — this is a watershed moment for people’s perception of the President. source

02 May 2011 01:58


27 Apr 2011 20:46


U.S.: Barack Obama vs. Unwavering Irrationality

  • President Obama’s decision to release his long-form birth certificate is a reminder of the handicaps under which rational people labor when confronting the irrational.
  • Wendy Kaminer at The Atlantic • Giving us some perspective on this birth certificate madness. Obama has both reason and empirical evidence on his side, but those are useless against an opponent who rejects reason and empiricism. source

18 Apr 2011 21:44


U.S.: Obama wants cooler high-tech gizmos in the White House

  • I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. I’m like, c’mon guys, I’m the President of the United States. Where’s the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up? It doesn’t happen.
  • President Obama • At a private fundraising event in Chicago. This is the sort of quote that will endear those who already like Obama and disgust those who hate him. source