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11 Feb 2011 20:33


Politics: Dead-on Sarah Palin impersonator causes scene at CPAC

  • Here at ShortFormBlog, we have instituted a standing no-Sarah-Palin policy until she actually announces she’s running for political office again. But that doesn’t mean we can’t post anything about Sarah Palin impostors hilariously storming CPAC. She’s not technically Sarah Palin. So, there you go guys … a Sarah Palin impostor hilariously storming CPAC. It’d be much funnier if it was a dude in drag, but we’ll take it. source

09 Feb 2011 11:19


Politics: Hey, everyone excited for CPAC yet?! WHOO!!! FAMILY VALUES!

  • 10,000 righties descend upon DC Thursday
  • coming Most of the GOPerazi, including Haley Barbour, Mitch Daniels, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and John Thune. Oh yeah, gay-rights-pushing GOProud will be there, too.
  • skipping Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. Oh, and some groups –the Family Research Council and the Heritage Foundation – are boycotting because GOProud will be there. Will Ryan Sorba make it? source

08 Feb 2011 21:07


Politics: PATRIOT Act renewal not sure thing … thanks to the Tea Party

  • renewal The House is going to vote on whether or not to permanently extend the PATRIOT Act, that uber-controversial privacy-exploiting leftover from the Bush era.
  • denial Unfortunately for the GOPers pushing the bill’s renewal, this isn’t the same Congress that passed the bill, and the party’s Tea Party backers may not support it. source

07 Feb 2011 20:20


Politics: Obama tries mending profitable fences with Chamber of Commerce

  • If there is a reason you don’t believe that this is the time to get off the sidelines — to hire and invest — I want to know about it. I want to fix it.
  • President Barack Obama • Speaking to the Chamber of Commerce today about the business role in building an economic recovery. Obama’s meeting with the organization was an attempt to mend fences. “I’m here in the interest of being more neighborly,” he said. “I strolled over from across the street, and, look, maybe if we had brought over a fruitcake when I first moved in, we would have gotten off to a better start. But I’m going to make up for it.” The speech, which balanced profit-making motives with Obama’s desire to see business actually hire people, didn’t go over very well with some. Just listen to this jerk: “I think it’s a little outside the bounds to suggest that if we hire people we don’t need,” said Buffalo Supply executive Harold Jackson, “there will be more demand.” We think Harold Jackson is full of crap. source

07 Feb 2011 11:00


Politics: California Rep. Jane Harman ditches Congress for pure wonkery

  • what California Democrat Jane Harman will likely reveal plans tomorrow to vacate her seat in Congress.
  • why She’ll be the new President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson Center in DC. Ah, think tanks. source

01 Feb 2011 21:42


Politics: Obama on Mubarak: Barack is still speaking in code about Egypt

  • An orderly transition must be meaningful, it must be peaceful, and it must begin now.
  • President Obama • Speaking tonight about Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s plan to not run for re-election this year, a decision that his administration pushed – to the point where a diplomat reportedly came to visit Mubarak in Egypt. Obama also had this to say about the country’s forthcoming election process: “Furthermore, the process must include a broad spectrum of Egyptian voices and opposition parties. It should lead to elections that are free and fair. And it should result in a government that’s not only grounded in democratic principles but is also responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.” A little clearer than he has been recently regarding Egypt, but our boy’s still speaking in code a little. Criticize the guy if you mean to criticize him! source

24 Jan 2011 23:15


Politics: Antonin Scalia speaks to Congress, world stays relatively normal

  • event Tea Party Caucus leader and all-around accurate human being Michele Bachmann invited Antonin Scalia to speak to Congress about the Constitution. Some cried “conflict of interest.”
  • result Roughly 30-35 legislators showed up, four of them reportedly Democrats. (!!!) “I told them to pay attention to the Constitution,” Justice Scalia said. See, he did what he was asked! source

16 Jan 2011 15:53


Politics: Arnold Schwarzenegger: I lost $200 million being governor

  • In all it is probably more than $200 million. But I’m not sorry. It was more than worth it.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger • Explaining the overall cost for him to be the California governor. We’re not exactly sure how that cost breaks down, but we’re guessing it has something to do with the number of movies he had to turn down while playing politician. That said, though, he notes that the bigger cost was what it did to his family. “There is a lot there that needs to be repaired,” he said. He noted that he was better about it in his second term than his first, but during that first term, he would leave home for weeks at a time. At least you weren’t recalled. source

13 Jan 2011 20:46


Politics: Underdog 2012 candidate of the day: Meet The Hermanator

  • From the standpoint of our conservative beliefs and values, Sarah Palin and I are probably identical.
  • Wannabe 2012 nominee Herman Cain (better known as “The Hermanator“) • Emphasizing his desire to become the GOP nominee. Cain, who is black, first drew the attention of political crowds while the CEO of Godfather Pizza, when he successfully got a blow on Bill Clinton’s health-care plan. Since then, he’s done much more in business (he sits on many corporate boards) and entered politics as a late-life hobby. If Cain can get some name recognition out there – he’s trying pretty darn hard – he might just have a shot. He might have a little of that Howard Dean voodoo power, he’s charismatic like Samuel L. Jackson (Joshua Green’s words, not ours), he survived cancer, and that anti-health-care calling card might win over some people. source

06 Jan 2011 13:14


Politics: “Help Us Jesus!” Birther interrupts House’s Constitution-reading

  • Look, it’s great that Congress is doing this, seeing as it’s never ever been done, but please, don’t shout any imagined amendments to the Constitution while it’s being read. It’s just kind of lame. (thanks joshsternberg for the tip) source