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04 Mar 2009 21:20


U.S.: Hey Karl Rove & Harriet Miers! Have fun testifying before Congress!

  • Why they’re doing it The former Bush advisers will be testifying on the firings of U.S. attorneys, allegedly for political reasons. The testimony of the, uh, dynamic duo will be released in transcript form. No word on if it’ll be public yet. source
  • Why they’re doing it The former Bush advisers will be testifying on the firings of U.S. attorneys, allegedly for political reasons. The testimony of the, uh, dynamic duo will be released in transcript form. No word on if it’ll be public yet.
  • Why it should be fun Rove went out of his way to avoid testifying – he was apparently told by his counsel that executive privilege prevented him from testifying. Apparently, negotiations took place to make all sides happy. source