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02 Mar 2011 10:16


World: Gaddafi: I’m not actually in any sort of political office

  • Muammar Gaddafi is not a president to resign, he does not even have a parliament to dissolve … [I hold] no position from which to step down.
  • Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi • Explaining that he can’t step down from office because he’s not currently in any political position. Let your brain chew on that one for a second while we invent an office for him to step down from. How about “Chief Asshole”? Works for us. How about you guys? source

12 Nov 2009 10:32


Politics: Could Lou Dobbs be headed towards political office?

  • He’s got name recognition, he has a following, he surely knows how to give a speech. He’s mastered the art of sophistry, and of sounding like he knows what he’s talking about while actually not. I mean, he’s about perfect.
  • Guardian columnist Michael Tomasky • Tossing around the same idea we had when we watched Lou Dobbs’ show last night – his wording was open-ended enough that he may not be leaving to go to another show, but angling towards political office. Not that Tomasky supports it – he refers to Dobbs as a “stupid man” – but he might actually make sense in that role. The only thing to keep in mind is that he’s something of an in-betweener: His opinions on climate change and immigration (and birthers!) make him conservative, but his populist, pro-middle-class stances are actually pretty leftist. We can see it now – Palin/Dobbs 2012. • source