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05 Feb 2011 19:47


World: Tunisia: Police conflict with protesters escalates, turns deadly

  • 2+ killed by police near a Tunisian police station in Kef; two other reported deaths were unconfirmed
  • 17+ more injured in the conflict, caused after a large crowd attacked and burned a police station source
  • » What happened: In one of the most volatile conflicts since the ouster of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, hundreds of protesters were outside of a police station in Kef where they claimed that the chief was abusing his power. As things have a tendency to do, they deteriorated after the chief, Khaled Ghazouani, reportedly slapped a woman in the crowd. “The police fired to prevent the protesters from breaking into the station,” an official said. The police chief was arrested.

23 Jan 2011 20:57


U.S.: Detroit’s violence happening INSIDE police stations now. Yikes

  • 4 officers shot INSIDE of a Detroit police precinct; the gunman died source
  • » A rough weekend for the Motor City: Ten people have been shot and injured or killed in the city in the last three days – the police precinct shooting of course being the most disturbing. One of the officers in today’s shooting was shot in the head, but is talking and moving his arms. The rest suffered minor wounds.