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21 Mar 2009 21:40


Tech: Palm better hope the Pre is a hit, or they’re screwed

  • $98 million Palm’s losses last quarter, driven down by people waiting for the Pre, a worthy could-be iPhone-killer source

11 Mar 2009 10:25


Biz, Music, Tech: U2 = Corporate whores for phone-makers

  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds. source
  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds.
  • Tie to Palm Bono has a state in a company, Elevation Partners, which owns a huge chunk of Palm, which has an awesome phone, the Pre, coming out soon. source
  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds.
  • Tie to Palm Bono has a state in a company, Elevation Partners, which owns a huge chunk of Palm, which has an awesome phone, the Pre, coming out soon.
  • Tie to RIM On top of that, the band has Blackberry makers Research in Motion sponsoring their next tour! You guys wrote “One,” not “Three.” What the heck?! source