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17 Jun 2010 10:05


Biz: Oil disaster: Stockholders really liked BP’s escrow account deal

  • 9.8% increase on the London stock exchange today source

16 Jun 2010 12:28


Biz, U.S.: BP’s throwing lots of money aside for oil disaster claims

  • $20
    the amount BP plans to put in an independent escrow account
  • $1
    the amount the company has spent on the oil spill so far source

15 Jun 2010 23:02


Politics: The key 45 seconds from Obama’s oil spill speech tonight

  • Let’s face it. Obama’s good with discussing broad. But when it comes to specifics with the American people, he’s a little lacking. The truth of the matter is that there’s not really much new here. Pretty much the one thing that is new, or at least explained in better detail, is the BP escrow fund, which Obama had this to say about it: “This fund will not be controlled by BP. In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner, the account must and will be administered by an independent, third party.” source

14 Jun 2010 10:28


Politics: Is is time for Obama to address the nation on the oil spill?

  • YES only took him two months to pull out the TV card source

14 Jun 2010 10:22


World: Old Chinese dude gets hopes up over Obama automated letter

  • The end of the letter was actually signed ‘Barack Obama.’ I hope this letter can be kept forever.
  • Chinese man Li “Old Li” Liangzheng • Discussing the response he got from the Obama administration about his response to the oil spill. What kind of response was it? An automated one. While Old Li reportedly had a decent idea – it involved a large lid to equalize pressure – the response has perhaps been a little, unexpected. His response has been feted by the Chinese media over the last week. Which, let’s admit it, is kind of hilarious. source

13 Jun 2010 11:58


U.S.: Obama wants BP to set aside oil spill money in an escrow account

Because, let’s face it guys, these pelicans deserve millions of dollars in damages after the crap they’ve been through. And humans, too. source

13 Jun 2010 10:56


U.S.: This angry, not-in-my-backyard quote is about an oil spill

  • This is extremely harmful. I want to know when are you going to send someone to my backyard and clean up my mess because I can’t even live in my house because of the smell.
  • Salt Lake City resident (and biology teacher) Peter G. Hayes • Regarding an oil spill by Chevron that has greatly damaged the city’s Red Butte Creek. Chevron blamed an undetected underground leak for the issue, which spilled 50 gallons of crude oil a minute into the river. What oil spill did you think we were talking about? It’s not that one, although that one is pretty awful. This is the other one. source

12 Jun 2010 13:13


Biz, U.S.: U.S. to BP: Please come up with a plan or we’ll kick your ass

  • 48 hours or the Gulf of Mexico gets it (oh wait, too late) source

11 Jun 2010 20:50


Biz, U.S.: Fun oil spill fact: BP is just as much American as it is British

  • 40% the amount of the company owned by British shareholders; another 40 percent is owned by Americans
  • 7.3% the amount BP’s stock went up in the U.K. after the British government gave them a show of support today
  • 3.5% the amount the stock went up in the U.S. after the announcement; it’s been sucking in recent weeks source

11 Jun 2010 20:42


Biz: Own a home in the Gulf? To put it simply, you’re screwed. *sigh*

  • 10%
    the amount the oil spill could depress home prices in the Gulf region
  • $4.3
    the actual financial figure you could put on that total (holy crap) source