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23 Dec 2009 09:26


Politics: Guy nearly arrested in D.C. snowball fight has great insight

  • That guy in the drab, olive coat and fuzzy wool cap being dragged through the crowd by the detective, shouting, ‘I didn’t throw that snowball’? Yeah, that’s me. At my finest.
  • Daniel Schramm • Describing what he went through after being detained by the police officer who brought a gun to a snowball fight in D.C. on Saturday. Schramm, who wrote a column for The Washington Post on the incident, tried to look at what happened from a big-picture perspective, comparing the incident to his day job as an environmental lawyer. It’s a good read. source

04 Oct 2009 11:52


U.S.: Yuck. Office McJerkbag threatened to break a skateboarder’s arm

  • We are not making excuses for the kid. He should not have spoken that way too the officer, because that’s asking for trouble. But, you know, he wasn’t resisting arrest according to the video. And the officer threatened to snap his arm like a twig. Skateboarding is not a crime. But, fortunately for the officer’s career, it is on video.source

25 Jul 2009 22:27


U.S.: It’s official: We can settle our racial differences over beer

  • The president, a scholar and a cop walk into a bar … Henry Louis Gates Jr. confirmed today that he accepted a chance to have a beer with not only the white Cambridge police officer who arrested him, but President Barack Obama, whose spare comments on Gates’ arrest got him in the middle of a bunch of drama we’re sure he didn’t want. They won’t be drinking at some corner bar outside of Harvard, though – they’ll be drinking at the White House, which we’re sure is well-stocked with some quality brew. source