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14 Aug 2011 21:25


U.S.: Andrew Cuomo sure flies around a lot using taxpayer money

  • bad A little while back, cost-cutting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got a lot of crap over taking a helicopter to his son’s softball game. He ended up repaying the costs of the plane ride, but he didn’t apologize, claiming that it was important for him to be a good father.
  • worse Now, his neighbor directly to the north, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, is facing similar scrutiny, but in his case, he used state aircraft to fly 19 times between his girlfriend’s place in Westchester and his job in Albany. Should we judge him for this? source

20 Dec 2010 22:03


Politics: Free, with a catch: N.Y.’s David Paterson fined over World Series tix

  • $62,125 in other words, market value source
  • » Why was he nailed? Simple. The five tickets, which were given to him by the Yankees, represented a conflict of interest, due to the fact that the state does business with the Yankees in multiple ways. Oh, also, he lied about intending to pay the Yankees back for the tickets, something which was widely refuted by others, including members of his own staff. Basically, if you’re a politician, you probably shouldn’t take free tickets for anything.

20 Oct 2010 10:21


Politics: Carl Paladino headed towards huge loss in NY governor’s race

  • 37% Andrew Cuomo’s lead over Carl Paladino in the polls source
  • » Sorry, they didn’t check: Sadly, we don’t know how many people are voting for “The Rent is Too Damn High” party candidate Jimmy McMillan. We wonder if he’ll siphon votes from Paladino.

11 Oct 2010 08:56


Politics: Did Carl Paladino actually utter this anti-homosexuality phrase?

  • There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual.
  • New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino (possibly) • In prepared remarks from a speech he made to an Orthodox Jewish group. Problem is, he didn’t say them, which he’s using as a leverage point against the media. Now, granted, he did say that he doesn’t want children “to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid or successful option … it isn’t.” And he tried to defend himself, partly by mentioning his relationship with his gay nephew in a statement after the speech. Wow, he stepped in it, didn’t he? source