Apparently Schmidt recently suggested that teen may have to change their names as adults to avoid getting nailed for the stupid crap they did. No words …
We’ve thought long and hard about it these last fifteen minutes. Dear Google, we want on the fast broadband gravy train just like Topeka, and we feel that we have a surefire way to ensure that we get on said gravy train. That’s right. We’re changing our name to Google. ShortFormBlog had a good run these last fourteen months, but we all know that you can’t take anything to chance when fast internet is on the line. We’re still working out the details of transferring the domain name over from the old owner (they won’t sell, but we hope we can get them to budge), but let us from now on be known as Google. Unofficially.
Sure, it’s not real. Sure, it’s a gimmick. But how many largeish cities do you see changing their name to Taco Bell for free Chalupas? Just sayin’.
It baited and switched hundreds of people. Almost 2,000 people were shocked to find out that the group had changed its name from “I Heart Jews” to “Hitler: Great Modern Man of History.” (It appears to have been switched back now.) The video links to a local Fox news TV report that’s just a tad overwraught, even considering the sensitive nature of the material. source