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23 Oct 2011 16:33


Politics, U.S., World: Bachmann: Iraq should repay money used in US invasion

  • I believe that Iraq should reimburse the United States fully for the amount of money that we have spent to liberate these people. They are not a poor country.
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann during an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” Sunday morning.• Bachmann added that Iraq was a “wealthy country” that would be “subject to dominance by Iran and their influence in the region” once American troops withdraw by the end of the year. source

22 Mar 2010 17:55


Culture: Michele Bachmann wastes no time to push for health care repeal

  • It’s future generations, our children and grandchildren, who will pay the price for our government’s arrogance and recklessness, and the American people won’t ever forget the irresponsible actions of this administration and Democratic majority.
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann • In a press release announcing her support of a bill that would repeal the health care bill. You know, the one that passed 20 hours ago. We wonder if the ink dried on the old bill before she submitted this bill. “I’m asking my colleagues to join me in repealing this monstrosity of a bill,” she says. Showy political tactic or not, we’re guessing it’s not going to pass. source