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30 May 2011 15:43


Politics: ABC reports on fraudulent service claims, medal fakeries

  • They’re going to come out of the woodwork. This is like Christmas for a phony.
  • Former U.S. Navy SEAL Don Shipley • Speaking to ABC News about fraudulent “war heroes” seizing the opportunity of Memorial Day for a little beginning-of-summer fakery. A couple of ABC reporters, Lee Ferran and Vic Walter, have reported that the incidence of people lying about serving in the military has gotten much worse since the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of SEAL Team 6. It’s also reported that five people have been charged with claiming to be medal winners, or illegally wearing military service medals in 2011. We’ll admit, we had no clue it was illegal to wear a service medal that you didn’t earn, but beyond the legality of it, we think we can all agree — this is a disgustingly manipulative, lowly brand of fraud to be perpetrating. source

30 May 2011 14:45


U.S.: Gen. Martin Dempsey tapped as Joint Chiefs Chairman

  • Martin’s memorable Memorial Day: President Obama announced today that Army General Martin E. Dempsey is his nominee to serve as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dempsey’s nomination will go before the Senate, where Obama’s folks have been known to languish against a partisan opposition. Seeing as military issues and figures have generally become matters of bipartisan veneration, though, we reckon this very high profile job will be an exception to that political rule. Interesting tidbit: Dempsey was sworn in as the Army’s Joint Chief on April 11th, 2011, making this an impressively quick promotion. source

25 May 2009 19:12


U.S.: Obama continues one Memorial Day trend, starts another

  • Obama will continue to send a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington, a move fraught with controversy. source
  • However, Obama also sent a wreath to the African-American Civil War Memorial in D.C., a move fraught with clever. source

25 May 2009 10:40


Tech, U.S.: Remember on Memorial Day with a Google Earth add-on

“Map the Fallen” is really effing elaborate and really effing sad to look at. It’s definitely a great way to remember. source

25 May 2009 09:44


World: Happy Memorial Day: North Korea’s testin’ nukes again

  • The world is not very happy about this, by the way. The test happened yesterday evening in an underground explosion, causing an eruption of both the ground and public sentiment against Kim Jong Il. And the U.S. is PISSED. “North Korea is directly and recklessly challenging the international community,” said The White House after the attacks. “The danger posed by North Korea’s threatening activities warrants action by the international community.” Next time you wanna nuke something, Kim Jong Il, mind using the microwave instead? Much easier to clean up. source