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02 Feb 2011 14:05


Music: The White Stripes break up, 1997-2011

Venerable musical duo The White Stripes officially broke up today, issuing a statement suggesting that “The White Stripes now belong to you.” Aw, shucks! source

07 May 2009 21:36


Music: They’ve been silent, but: Lots of good news on the White Stripes front

  • Meg White, the half of the White Stripes that only has one main gig, is getting married to fellow Detroit rock royalty – Jackson Smith, son of Patti Smith and Fred “Sonic” Smith (the late MC5 guitarist). White has been married once before – to the guy mentioned in the box to the right.
  • Jack White, the half of the White Stripes that appears to always be working, recently noted in an interview that the band will be getting back together soon to record a new album, to come out next year. Good thing too – after their last tour went kaput, the band’s future seemed hazy.
  • marriage
  • music