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18 Nov 2009 21:37


U.S.: The government was just joshin’ you guys on mammograms

  • Our policies remain unchanged. Indeed, I would be very surprised if any private insurance company changed its mammography coverage decisions as a result of this action.
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius • Trying to re-spin a report earlier this week that said women should be less vigilant about checking their boobs for breast cancer. In other words, a report came out that angered a lot of people, and they’re backtracking completely. This is amid speculation that the changes were put in place to help insurance companies. • source

16 Nov 2009 20:13


Culture: Here’s what no more self-breast-exams is gonna cost us

  • Back in 1990, this was groundbreaking television. “Beverly Hills, 90210” tackled Brenda Walsh’s teen breast cancer scare – a tumor she found, by the way, after examining her own breast. Beyond adding to the obvious dangers of breast cancer – there’s a whole MONTH dedicated to it, for crying out loud – no more breast self-examinations means that the possibility of this scene happening in real life just went down significantly. Did the U.S. think of all the lives that could be saved, or even the amount of cheesy TV melodrama that could be created? Of course not. This is why experts are questioning the changes.source

16 Nov 2009 19:55


U.S.: Breast cancer backstep: The U.S. flips the script on mammograms

  • 50 the new recommended age for women to start getting biannual mammograms (too many false positives) source