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15 Jun 2009 10:52


World: Well, that’s good to know: Iran’s booting out foreign media

  • They’re looking to stop the flow of information. Al Jazeera English reports that foreign news crews are getting limited access from the Iranian government. Says their Tehran-based reporter Teymoor Nabili, “Day-by-day our ability to access any information has been slowly whittled away.” They’re not alone, either. A Spanish news crew was booted from the country, and opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s newspaper Kalameh Sabz was blocked from publication over the printing of a caricature which apparently was an insult to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Freedom of the press is important. These guys are on the front lines fighting for it. source

15 Jun 2009 03:09


World: Iran sez Moussavi can’t protest. Protesters: We’ll do it without him!

  • Mir Hussein Moussavi has been barred from protesting today. Moussavi applied to lead a nationwide march to protest the presidential election results – which had Mahmoud Ahmadinejad winning with 62% of the vote – and was denied by Iran’s Interior Ministry, which declared the march illegal. However, his supporters, via the use of social networking, have indicated that they plan to protest anyway. Good for them. source

14 Jun 2009 10:51


World: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a cold, callous leader

  • Some believed they would win, and then they got angry. It has no legal credibility. It is like the passions after a football match. It is not important from my point of view.
  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Describing the massive protests that took place after he won the election in Iran on Friday – with many believing that the results were rigged. Here’s our question: What kind of leader, knowing he faces a number of people angry about his victory, says something like this? • source

13 Jun 2009 20:34


U.S., World: The U.S. thinks Iran’s election results are looking all wrong

  • The White House is worried about Iran’s irregularities. Between an official statement by The White House and quotes from Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, we know that the U.S. is not particularly happy with the results of Iran’s election. “We obviously hope that the outcome reflects the genuine will and desire of the Iranian people,” Clinton said. While publicly no White House official has taken sides, they privately hope that Mir Hossein Mousavi is the eventual victor. On two occasions (including a BIG DEAL speech in Egypt) President Obama has made overtures to Iran with no response. source

13 Jun 2009 11:52


World: Iran election: There’s protests in the streets of Tehran

Mir Hussein Moussavi said for supporters to rebel against a “governance of lie and dictatorship,” and that’s what they’re doing. source

12 Jun 2009 21:05


World: Strangely enough, Mousavi also sez he won Iran’s election

  • What the heck is going on, guys? Iran’s election results are nothing if a little confusing. Despite there being a massive turnout which suggested Mir Hossein Mousavi handily won, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently got most of the votes. Unless he didn’t. Mousavi claims there were major irregularities and that he’s “definitely the winner” based on “all indications from all over Iran.” Hm. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Well. That’s something. source

12 Jun 2009 20:56


World: Uhhh… wasn’t Ahmadinejad way behind in the Iran election polls?

  • 70% of votes went to Ahmadinejad, Iran’s government sez source

12 Jun 2009 09:58


World: Iran’s presidential election is today, and the polls are packed

  • I am hearing about a vast participation of people, and I hear there are even gatherings at night. This shows the people’s awareness.
  • Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei • Speaking about the huge response the presidential election in Iran has had. Millions are at the polls today, responding to the hard-line politics of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which many claim have affected the country’s stability. Mir Hussein Moussavi, an opposition candidate, is the likely victor. By the way, the president of Iran has less power than Khamenei, but they do have plenty of say over domestic matters. • source

25 May 2009 10:31


World: Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says there’s no room for diplomacy

  • We will not allow anyone to negotiate with us outside the agency’s regulations and issues. From now on we will continue our path in the framework of the agency.
  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Regarding a proposal by the U.S. for the country to freeze its nuclear program. Quick third-grader translation: If you’re not a member of the club, we’re not listening to you. Nyah! • source

20 May 2009 09:25


World: Iran’s Ahmadinejad: In case we ever want to hit Israel, now we can!

  • The defense minister told me today that we launched a Sejil-2 missile, which is a two-stage missile and it has reached the intended target.
  • Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Who announced the successful test-fire of a missile which has the range to hit Israel. Great. Because he’s the kind of guy who should be bombing Israel right now. • source