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04 Oct 2009 20:32


Culture: Lindsay Lohan’s fashion show was an epic fail, guys

Know that feeling you get when someone ruins your day but you have to deal with them? That’s how Estrella Archs feels about Lindsay Lohan right now. source

18 Mar 2009 21:01


Culture: Three of Natasha Richardson’s most notable roles

  • In 2005, Richardson had a late-period comeback with her well-reviewed role in the film “Asylum.”

14 Mar 2009 13:15


Culture: Public Enemy No. 1: Lindsay Lohan

  • A warrant is out for her arrest. The star, who went from critically-acclaimed actress to laughingstock in less than a year, has a warrant out for her arrest stemming from a 2007 DUI charge. She’s currently on probation for her second DUI conviction. She’s only like 22, by the way. Girl’s been busy. source