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08 Feb 2010 21:39


U.S.: Richard Shelby released those Obama nominee holds. Why?

  • shelby The Alabama senator says that his demands were met, so he released most of the 70+ holds, barring a few unnamed ones.
  • obama The president’s staff says that none of Shelby’s demands were met, so somebody is lying here. We wonder who that might be. source

09 Mar 2009 21:57


U.S.: More proof that Obama isn’t Bush: The war on science is over

  • Promoting science isn’t just about providing resources. It is about letting scientists … do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient; especially when it’s inconvenient.
  • Barack Obama • As he was lifting the ban on embryonic stem-cell research, which lasted for 8-and-a-half years during the Bush years. He claims this is part of a broader initiative to end the government’s limitations on what science can do. Understandably, he’s annoying a bunch of religious conservatives by doing this, but that’s why a Democrat was elected into office! • source