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01 Jul 2010 11:18


Politics: Daily Kos’ pollster was making stuff up? We’re not making this up.

  • And now the liberal-leaning site is suing Research 2000. Fans of seeing those on the far left fall on their faces, this is your lawsuit. Daily Kos’ polling company, Research 2000, reportedly made up a number of widely-reported surveys which it did for Kos. Worse, they would not give Kos the raw data for these surveys (which they paid over $100,000 for), further raising suspicions. You know, we’ve been critical of right-leaning pollsters Rasmussen in the past, but we’re pretty sure they’ve done nothing like this (and that their data is actually sound). source

01 May 2009 11:16


U.S.: The Supreme Court’s losing David Souter to retirement

  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it. source
  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it.
  • The balance won’t change In terms of political balance, Souter’s departure likely won’t change things much. A George H.W. Bush appointee, he actually became one of the court’s most noted liberals. Unless Obama leans right, the makeup of votes won’t change. source