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17 Dec 2009 09:39


Biz: Bank of America’s new CEO: Will this guy be better than the last one?

Brian Moynihan, who came from the inside, will have an easy time besting predecessor Ken Lewis, who drove the company off a cliff. source

16 Oct 2009 11:06


Biz: Ken Lewis is retiring rich, but Bank of America is still struggling

  • $1 billion in losses, mostly from bad debt, this quarter alone source

16 Oct 2009 10:57


Biz: Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis is retiring without his 2009 salary

  • $1.5 million the amount Lewis was supposed to take home before the White House’s pay czar Kenneth Feinberg took it away source

30 Sep 2009 20:00


Biz: Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis sure regrets that Merrill Lynch merger

Lewis will be retiring at the end of the year, the victim of months of heavy scrutiny – by regulators and investors – of the failed merger. source