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20 Aug 2009 10:42


Sports: NCAA crushing dreams: Memphis’ 2007-2008 season is now a wash

  • 38 victories by the Wildcats will be forfeited after major rule violations were discovered under coach John Calipari source

27 May 2009 23:30


Sports: The NCAA claims the U. Memphis hoops program broke the rules

  • one unnamed player who only played during the 2007-2008 season (Derrick Rose being the only guy who fits that description) apparently had a tampered SAT score source

31 Mar 2009 20:34


Sports: Thanks U. of Kentucky, you made Memphis really sad. :(

  • John Calipari, a man torn by opportunity. The coach of the perennially-hot Memphis decided to leave for the bluegrass of Kentucky. It was a heart-wrenching decision for both Memphis, which has soared to great heights under Calipari’s helm, and Calipari himself, who will be coaching an iconic college basketball team that’s fallen on hard times. Memphis students and fans begged Calipari not to do it, but it was too late. Peace, brotha. source