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15 Nov 2010 21:01


Culture: One more footnote from Apple vs. Apple: Mr. Guy Goma

  • One of the greatest gaffes in TV history, Guy Goma, a guy going for an interview in the BBC’s IT department, found himself on-air talking about the Apple Computer-vs.-Apple Corps case, which the Mac makers won in 2006. Goma, who has a very strong French accent, rolled with the punches when pretending to be tech journalist Guy Kewney. Kewney died earlier this year, while there was talk of a Guy Goma movie a while back. Wonder where that guy is.

06 Aug 2010 14:58


Music: Yoko did it: The Beatles not hitting iTunes anytime soon, kids

  • (Apple CEO) Steve Jobs has his own idea and he’s a brilliant guy. There’s just an element that we’re not very happy about, as people. We are holding out. Don’t hold your breath … for anything.
  • Yoko “Beatles Destroyer” Ono • On the idea of releasing the Beatles’ music on the iTunes Store. You know, this debate was funny when it was 2003 and buying music on the Internet was a new and exciting thing. But now it’s 2010. Just accept Apple’s terms, Yoko and company, before you miss out on your chance to be part of the online music revolution altogether. You’ve missed out on millions of dollars already. source

17 Sep 2009 21:43


Music, Tech: iTunes should pay for the sam …

  • … ple, too, the music industry says. It doesn’t matter if 30-second samples are promotional AND fair use. The music industry wants Apple to pay performance fees. They say they’re not trying to gouge, though. “People think we’re making a fortune off the Web, but it’s a tiny amount,” says Songwriters’ Guild of America president Rick Carnes. “We need multiple revenue streams or this isn’t going to work.” Critics say that Apple’s getting picked on by these groups, who they accuse of double-dipping. source