fournumber of months of declines prior to the leap
1963the last time home sales rose this much source
» But why? Credit a tax break that’s about to expire and weather that sucked less than it did in February (when home sales hit a record low). The strange part? The tax break had been in effect each of the four months prior, when home sales weren’t so hot.
Fannie May and Freddie Mac, two government-borne companies designed to help with home ownership and mortgages, were mashed together into government ownership last year (like a bad marriage) as the financial crisis became critical. source
Now, the Obama administration is considering splitting them back up again and restructuring them entirely, adding a third company in the mix to handle toxic debt. Obama economy guy Lawrence Summers has long wanted to do this, by the way. source
Things are going tremendously. It has never been this good.
Darren Johnson • A “real estate owned” foreclosure agent from Detroit, talking about how well the foreclosure industry is going at the moment. Glad to know that someone’s doing OK. • source