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04 Dec 2010 15:29


Culture: Was that guy who shot himself in the Ronni Chasen case involved?

  • NO?that’s what the authorities are suggesting source

02 Dec 2010 10:06


Culture: Ronni Chasen’s murder case gets significantly more interesting

  • So, let’s say that you’ve been pinpointed as a person of interest in a murder case. Not just any murder case, mind you, but that of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen, whose bizarre middle-of-the-night death a few weeks ago raised more than a few eyebrows. What do you do? Well, in the case that unfolded last night, the currently-unnamed person shot and killed himself while being chased by police. Which means that, even if he didn’t do it, everyone’s going to think he did. Good work, hoss. source