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06 Feb 2011 12:04


World: This should be on your radar: Trial for Americans begins in Iran

Two of the three shown – Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Joshua Fattal – will be in court today on spying charges. Shourd returned to the U.S. for medical reasons. She’ll be tried in absentia. source

12 Sep 2010 09:48


World: So, Iran’s ready to free detained hiker after all apparently

  • Blame the delay on a power struggle. Apparently Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wanted to release Sarah Shourd to prove his country respected the “dignity” of women. Other top leaders reportedly complained about his reasoning. So now, Shourd will reportedly be let go on $500,000 bail and can leave the country, but will have to return for trial to face spying charges (fat chance). She can now reportedly go at any time. The other two hikers can’t ‘cuz they’re guys. source

11 Sep 2010 13:49


World: Par for the course: Hiker in Iran supposed to be released, isn’t

Sarah Shourd, right, was supposed to be freed this week, but Iran suddenly changed their minds. Two other hikers remain in custody after a year. source

18 Jul 2010 10:07


World: Iranian scientist: The U.S. wanted to trade me for those hikers

  • Remember the Russian spy swap? Imagine an Iranian version. While Shahram Amiri sticks by his story that he was held by U.S. agents for over a year, this little detail stands out. Amiri reportedly was going to be used as a bargaining chip to get back hikers Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal, who were captured by Iran about a year ago after hiking in the wrong place. If that’s true, it adds a new layer to the bizarre story. source