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21 Jan 2011 21:01


Tech: How to turn a side project into wad of cash

  • Come up with a clever idea. Play with it for a few days. Promote it online. Watch traffic explode as the crazy idea goes viral and forces you to beef up your server capacity almost immediately. Decide you don’t want to make it your main gig. Choose to cash out quickly. Put up a page hoping you find a buyer quickly. Find said big buyer quickly. Turn your side project into a wad of cash. With just three words. And a dream. Way to go, Mark Baosource

02 Dec 2010 12:24


Tech: Bitly News gives short links the Hacker News treatment

  • Thinks we like: TwitterHacker News. Now what if someone mashed up links found on Twitter to look like Hacker News, but with the ranking style that uses? Well, friends, you’d have Bitly News. Which is the coolest thing we’ve seen today. source