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09 Apr 2009 00:46


U.S.: D.C.’s gay marriage bill could put Congress in a weird spot

  • Everyone would agree we have a tricky relationship with Congress, even when our allies are in power. But progress is made by moving forward, not standing still.
  • David Catania • D.C. City Council member, on a preliminary vote to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere in the country. The council’s votes would need to get through Congress before they’re official, which will put a state issue in front of a legislature that has thus far avoided it. Catania, by the way, is openly gay. • source

08 Apr 2009 10:07


U.S.: Why are these women so happy? They can get married.

Vermont passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, and Iowa’s supreme court legalized it. Can you feel the love? source

05 Mar 2009 22:43


U.S.: Gay marriage goes to the California Supreme Court

And the supporters for (and detractors against) same-sex marriages came out. Oof. That pun hurt. source